Straightforward advanced progress tests with keys

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Straightforward отличает простое и ясное построение материала, разнообразная и интересная тематика, прагматизм в методике. Max: Go out in the rain? Veteran educator and best-selling author Jack Umstatter helps teachers to familiarize students with the type of grammar-related content found on standardized local, state, national, and college admissions tests. Широкий спектр задач говорения помогает студентам овладеть гибким общением на английском языке. In general, these words will greatly improve your IELTS Score. To make grasping grammar easier - and more fun - Just Enough English Grammar uses colorful cartoons illustrate eachimportant grammar point. Features a general English course based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. Find Me in Social Networks:.

B Complete the sentences with the correct suffix for each word. C Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences. Grammar D Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Hannah: No, not yet. Sally: Oh, come on! E Are these sentences correct C or incorrect I? Correct the ones that are incorrect. F Complete the sentences with words from the box. Each word can only be used once. What kind of music did you listen to when you were a teenager? Which university does Max go to? Speech features G Complete the text with words from the box. Each word can only be used once. There are three extra words.

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